Town Centre Book Table and Outreach
Town Centre Book Table and Outreach
Family Fun Day!
Family Fun Day!

July 6th 2024, 3-5pm

Coffee & Cake
Coffee & Cake

Can you go to Heaven from Hatfield?
Come along and find out!

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Young Life Events

Click above for some recent or upcoming event details and watch this space for new items added. We also have Men’s Breakfast meetings and Women’s Afternoon meetings as arranged too, some hosted by us, and some occasionally by others locally.

Sundays during term time there is a Sunday School hour (9.45-10.45am) before church for primaries and juniors, and ‘YB?’ for our older secondary age (10-10.45am).

A crèche room is available during the Sunday morning service for those with infants that might need it, and often a Junior Church activity for youngsters too.

Presently the weekly Tuesday evening prayer meeting (8-9pm) and Wednesday evening Bible study (8-9pm) takes place over zoom.

Past Events